Things are warming up a bit and quite a few more things are out now with a lot of bird action, particularly Tui's in the early prunus. We have to keep an eye out for drunk Tui's as they can over indulge on the early Rhododendrons and the nectar can be toxic to them. If got in time the Tui can be brought round by putting it in a cage with some water while it dries out! We had an inch and a half of rain last week and all the bulbs shot up and we now have quite a few daffy's out. Another tree flowering now is the Corylopsis, beautiful yelow flowers which really stand out at this time of the year, a great tree for any garden. Camelias still glorious and the Daphne bholua also still going. Early mags also out. This time of the year brings young rabbits about so Max our labrador is very busy excavating in search of a snack, some of his holes are a bit of a hazard so I am continuosly having to go round with a shovel and fill them back in! With the help of Phyll's mum I have managed to get all the roses prunned. As well as weed eating (knocking back a bit of rank grass here and there) I am splitting firewood as I had a couple of oaks blow over earlier in the year so just getting to them now. The garden feels as if it is ready to burst into spring!